About the Commission

The Libraries Commission was established in February 2020 as one of the Ministry of Culture's 11 sector-specific Commissions. The Commission is overseeing the development of the libraries sector which includes: Proposing and implementing a sector strategy within the framework of the National Strategy for Culture, and proposing draft laws and regulations, amending and submitting regulations to the Ministry of Culture to complete statutory procedures.


An information society contributing to building the knowledge economy and to achieving sustainable development objectives.


To enable the library community in KSA to contribute to economic, educational, social and cultural development.

Pillars and Objectives

  1. Developed and Empowered Subsector.

    • Supporting digital transformation of library services.

    • Enhancing subsector competence.

    • Driving innovation and investments.

    • Developing the library funding ecosystem.

  2. Engaged and Connected Community.

    • Improving accessibility of library services.

    • Increasing information literacy and encouraging reading habits.

    • Developing libraries as learning, culture and community hubs.

  3. Distinguished Institutional Capabilities.

    • Establishing a conducive environment with best-in-class capabilities.

    • Building local, regional and international partnerships.