Hidayat Al-Raaghib Li Sharh Eumdat Al-Taalib

Manuscript Description:

Hidayat Al-Raaghib Li Sharh Eumdat Al-Taalib is a manuscript classified under the Hanibili Jurisprudence. For Its author Ibn al-Qiad, Othman bin Ahmed bin Said, deceased in 1097 Hijiri and it was transcribed in Al-Naskh font scribt on Wednesday last Ramadan 1264 Hijiri. Its papers are 218, and the number of lines 24, with 22.5 x 15 cm. The beginning of the manuscript: (Praise be to Allah, who opened our chests for Islam, and blessed us by knowing what's Halal and Haram ...) and the end of the manuscript: (... and he was as a sheep in which he was an adoption of them, and God Almighty knows best ... and thank God who with his blessings the good deeds are accomplished.) There is an obliterated acquisition and the seal of endowment of Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Latif, and Sheikh Mohammed bin Maan wrote - who I knew his font - that this book was sent him by Sheikh Abdul Rahman bin Mohammed bin Abdul Latif to be printed, used the black ink in the explanations and red for the original text and it has a modern cover.

Manuscript Title:

Hidayat Al-Raaghib Li Sharh Eumdat Al-Taalib

Manuscript Subject:
Other Title (subtitle):


date of his death:

date 1097 Hijiri.

Beginning of the manuscript:


End of the manuscript:


Transcribers Name:
Date of transcription/Copy:

Al-Naskh; The last Ramadan 1264 Hijiri

Place of transcription (if any):


Font type:


Number of papers: Number of lines: Size: X cm

Number of papers: 218; Number of lines: 24; Size: 22.5 x 15 cm.

The place where the manuscript is preserved:
Archiving No:

496 / الإفتاء

General Notes:

There is an obliterated acquisition and the seal of endowment of Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Latif, and Sheikh Mohammed bin Maan wrote - who I knew his font - that this book was sent him by Sheikh Abdul Rahman bin Mohammed bin Abdul Latif to be printed, used the black ink in the explanations and red for the original text and it has a modern cover.